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Our Story

'The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.'

Mitch Albom

When I first met Peaceful her goal was to open a holistic retreat center and teach a practice called Reiki, a holistic healing method incorporated into a growing number of medical practices to help relieve pain and promote healing. My goal was to introduce a new window treatment product, the tagline was 'changing your view'. 


I couldn't have imagined nine years later we'd be tossing a flying disk back and forth discussing how to increase awareness of 'warm the homeless' events. But over the years my view of success had also begun to change. 

A gust of wind and high in a pine tree the disk landed. The rest of the afternoon was spent tossing pine cones until finally, it fell from the branches.  Walking back to the car a man who'd sat silently watching from a park bench pointed at the disk and commented,

'Maybe you should put a note on it with your address.'


Have you ever noticed how a simple comment can inspire conversations like a winding path that might eventually lead somewhere?

That afternoon the first seeds were planted for Miracle Flyer, an individually numbered flying disk passed forward in the spirit of sharing to help seek out worthwhile causes and inspire a tangible difference through increased awareness and sponsored events.

But in order for Miracle Flyer to fly, we would need the support of a community who were also inspired to keep Miracle Flyer aloft.


Have you ever considered nothing happens by chance?

Bill Lee.jpg

In 2014 a hobo spider took a bite out of my wrist, the bite became infected and I was hospitalized with kidney failure and a collapsed lung. Pneumonia set in and my family and friends were called to say goodbye.


Every weekend Peaceful drove hundreds of miles to administer Reiki and slept on a small cot by my bedside. Two months later I defied the odds and left the hospital thirty-five pounds lighter and inspired with a renewed sense of purpose and meaning.


During my recovery I finally had time to help pass this project forward and I'm forever grateful to Peaceful for her kindness and belief in miracles. I hope Miracle Flyer also helps inspire miracles in the lives of those in need of a kind word and helping hand for years to come. 

When we first began developing Miracle Flyer, the goal was to help increase awareness of 'warm the homeless' events, sponsored by the Assembly of Spirit, founded by Peaceful Spirit, a former parks ranger for the Olympic National Park. 


To say the Assembly of Spirit was a small organization is to say it consisted of Peaceful and a few friends distributing clothes, blankets and socks beneath a freeway overpass on cold winter days in downtown Spokane, WA.


Having known Peaceful since 2001, it didn’t surprise me she'd organize these events and distribute small care packages to those who had little else. I’ve long since understood it’s simply who she is, a woman inspired to help others.

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